Law, ethic and discussion | LEG 500 – Law, Ethics, and Corporate Governance | Strayer University

 Discuss the following: 

  • In today’s economy, there are powerful companies that control massive segments of different markets in all appearances.  Using the NEXIS-Uni Legal Database or the FTC website below, research and provide one company and case in the last five years that has been sued by the FTC/Government for anti-competitive behavior.  Explain why the activity is anti-competitive. (Do not write on Amazon, Google, Facebook, Qualcomm, Samsung, or Apple – try to find a local company in your home state).  

Nexis-Uni link:  OR Federal Trade Commission: Cases and Proceedings: Advanced Search | Federal Trade Commission (

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  • The chapter reading explains the types of horizontal restraints of trade and how the Sherman Act and Clayton Act affect these types of lessening competition actions.  Also, explain what a vertical restraint of trade is and your understanding and thoughts on case 14.3 provided in the text. Substantiate your response.