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A. Lab #: CIS CIS115-A1
B. Lab 1 of 1 : Decision Calendar
C. Lab Overview – Scenario / Summary:
TCO #4 – Given a simple business problem that requires one or more decisions, create a solution algorithm that uses decisions with logical and relational expressions.
TCO #9 – Given a program with logic errors that is intended as a solution to a simple business problem, employ debugging diagnostics to remove and correct the errors.
Your goal is to solve the following programming lab activity. Write a program that prompts & accepts a number between 1 and 12. After getting the input, display the number with the appropriate month. (example: This is the 1st month…January, This is the 2nd month…February, This is the 12th month…December).
Be sure to THINK about the logic and design first (IPO chart and or pseudocode), then code the Visual Logic command line processing.
D. Deliverables:
Decision Calendar IPO Model
Decision Calendar Pseudocode
Decision Calendar Flowchart
Decision Calendar Output Sample
Total Points
DeVry University
Student Lab Activity
CIS115 Logic and Design
E. Lab Steps:
1. Complete the IPO Model in a Word document.
2. Complete the pseudocode in the same Word document as the IPO.
3. Complete the flowchart in Visual Logic and print screen the flowchart in the same Word
document as the IPO and pseudocode.
4. Complete the execution/run of the flowchart and print screen your outputs in the same
Word document as the IPO, pseudocode and flowchart.
Decision Calendar
Step 1: prompt for input(s) Points (Optional)
Step 2: Determine calendar month and proper ending
Step 3: Display outputs with attention to details

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