The strategies that students use in statistics


Problem 1

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“The strategies that students use in statistics courses are powerful predictors of performance. For example, spending a higher number of hours reading assigned chapters and completing assigned homework result in higher final grades. In this study we explored whether the number of hours spent reading assigned chapters and completing assigned homework predicted final grades in a nationally representative sample of undergraduate students across the US. We randomly selected 200 students from a nationally representative list of students in the US. The sample included 60.5% women the mean age was 30.93 with a standard deviation (SD) 5.34; participants’ race included 45.00% White, 21.50% African-American, 17.50% Asian, 16.00% Mix-race, while ethnicity included 58.50% Latinx. Participants reported a household annual income of Less than $50K/year (23.50%), Between $50K and $100K/year (40.00%), More than $100K/year (36.50%). The sample mean final grade was 54.99 and SD = 1.61. The sample average number of hours spent reading assigned chapters and completing assigned homework was 8.22 and SD = 2.02. Please note, that ΣX*Y is 90865.9.”

Write the null and alternative hypothesis:

H0 = 

H1 = 

What is your α?___________________________________________________

Sampling:Is the sample representative of the population of reference?Max 3 sentences.

Test the null and alternative hypothesis:

Interpret your findings: